Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In Memory of a Dear Friend

Connor Wong

21st Aug 1968 –14th Sep 2008

View Connor's Picture at this facebook website.

At the wake service, friends shared that Connor was a supportive brother, cell member, a great listener, a faithful worker, admirable cell leader and someone who loves Israel very much.Connor also serves at the Nepali fellowship. He is driver to many Nepalese every Saturday. He was still driving them early last month after going through the treatments that made him weaker than usual.One thing that was not mentioned during the wake yesterday was Connor has a great passion in mission as well. He has been to a few 3rd world countries. Last year April, we went with a team to Nepal. When asked why did he wanted to go, he answered that he would really like to go so that he will be able to relate better to Nepalese brothers when he fetches them. During our trip, we had to climb hills (mountain actually). And when we made our way to the village at the top, he went on to play volleyball with the villagers. I also remembered when Connor shares about Christ, he can go on and on and on (amazing for someone who don't usually talks a lot). Connor, you remembered the 4 ladies waited for you when you were chatting with that youth outside the school? You talked soOoooOo long, Kelvin also disappeared already. Yah, sorry you had to endure the ngam-cham-ness of the 4 of us. You are quite fun to tease. ;-p Btw, I still owe you the video… surely you have a better version now. Heaven's editors are more pro.Last year Connor was diagnosed again. He went through chemo and radio this year. Just 2 months ago, I had to go through a surgery. A group of friends gathered to pray for us and had communion. We claimed healing. During my stay in hospital, he visited me everyday because he was going through radio at the same hospital.Barely a month ago, our friends gathered again to celebrate my birthday and thanks giving for God's grace upon me as I went through the surgery. We had steamboat at Kelvin & Steph's place and Connor brought food… food that he can't eat himself but for us.Connor is now healed. He has a new body that does not require those uncomfortable tubes and oxygen masks. Can imagine you rejoicing and jumping with joy. See you soon, Connor.
Julia Law
Like many others, I'm blessed to have known Connor. He is a wonderful CG leader. Someone who prefers to show love, concern, care and warmth through action. A leader who never complaints, even though we have been a bunch of "funny funny" character members. He has shown us compassion, grace, always at his best, cheerfulness, faithful and never cease to be there for us, to support us in whatever way he can. I remember in J-son CG when we were about to multiply, Connor, followed Jesus by example, washed the feet of his cg members. Those were some touching moments. Can't believed time really flies.

Not to mention, that he was one of the great planner (meet up with Benny and the whole mag) in helping Benny when he proposed to me in Light House CG. I still remember how he used to chuckle and said jokingly, I'm selling you of to Benny CG..and Benny would said to him, "yea, will transfer her off using the DUA transaction system" hehehe..those too were wonderful memories.

It was also an honour and privilege that this dear friend, grace our wedding as on of the heng tai. Like his usual self, cheerful, laughing and enjoying the friendship with the rest of the heng tai even though he is still suffering from the chemo side effect. It is as though he is as healthy as the rest and full of energy just like the rest.

Connor, I know you are with the Lord now. I will try not to cry too much but rejoicing for you cause right now, you are in heaven with Jesus. Thank you for being such a wonderful CG leader, a friend and also a brother in Christ. Will miss you a lot. Bye for now...till we meet again in heaven.

Love in Christ,
Debbie Yeow


Here is a short paragraph of what I wish to write about Connor. "Connor was a great man of God and really shows the Christ-likeness traits as a cell leader. I also know him as a loyal and faithful brother who unselfishly cares for others than himself all the time. He was truly a living example of the famous line “action speaks louder than words”. Through his life’s actions, he has really impacted many people including myself. Indeed he will always be fondly remembered."

Andrew Tan


Connor was a man of few words and yet he always shows his love n cares thru his action.He was my cell leader. He had the spirit of gentleness and will always go for extra mile for us. Connor i will always remember you and you will be missed dearly. Thank you for being such a good leader to me

Nichole Lim


Dearest Connor, this is written just for you.

Connor, A Great Man of God

Connor was just like an image of our Lord Yeshua that has ministered to so many of us. Although I do not talk heart to heart talk to Connor, but there is something about Connor that has really impacted me all this while that I have not noticed until now. And it was the way he lived his life with the fullness of Christ that has really impacted me and have transformed many lives....

“Connor is a man of few words but of a great servant heart and a leader. Though he looks simple but he is an extraordinary man whom many lives he has touched and transformed. Connor is more than a friend to many, a great brother to me and truly an angel to all who knows him.

His smiles carry the joy of God. His face glows with the radiance of God. His life brings the fragrance of God to all that is around him. Connor is a great man of FAITH and COURAGE. Even in his death bed he worships the living God. How he has persevered on to live life filled with the grace of God and how he have persevered on to serve God even when he was in pain and suffering. His love and faithfulness to God has touched and challenged many lives, giving them an example to live life with the heart of love and fullness of Christ.

During the last 3 weeks of his life on earth, Connor did not show any discouragements to those who were with him in the hospital. He always said that he is “Good" despite seeing him trying to take in the next breath with such difficulty and effort. Never did Connor blamed God for what he has gone through but instead he chose to trust and depend upon God the whole time, knowing that God is in control of his life.

I am truly grateful to know such a great man like Connor. Although it was only 3 and half years of great friendship and serving God with Connor, he has impacted my life greatly. My friendship with Connor the last few years till the last 3 weeks before he passed on has taught me a lot about life. I've learnt to be grateful, not taking small things for granted, live life to the fullest for the Lord, to love without fear, giving without asking to receive and always trust God, depend upon God and love God with all my heart, soul and might.

Connor, I will miss you very much but I am sure that we will meet again someday in heaven. There is no more fear, no more pain and sufferings; there is great freedom and joy in where you are right now feasting at the Lord's Table. I will look forward to see you welcoming me at the gates of heaven when my time comes. I love you Connor, with the love of Christ. Thank you for your guidance, love and encouragements. Surely goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life.”

Abby Loh


I did not share further last night on this because the emotion was just too much for me.

I mentioned if we were to think of something Connor said, it would not be much, in fact, it may be none...

but many of us can testify to the many acts of servant hood and support he has given to us. He has never let us down and even in his own time of distress, he found time to minister to the needs of others, always putting others before himself.

We have actually been face to face with Jesus as Connor has mirrored His image of grace, mercy and love to us. I am privileged to have encountered Him through Jesus.

For those whom are not Christians, they have also had an encounter with God. A ‘God moment’ where they may not have realised or been able to distinguish. So if they remember Connor and his acts of support and kindness, remember also Jesus whom came for us, and Connor knew this and instead of telling you about Jesus, he Showed us Jesus.

Would have been very powerful to many in the wake last night...

Alvin Yeo

Dear Connor,
I know you’re in heaven now, walking along the streets of gold and meeting all your new friends and people from the bible! It must be so exciting J How does your mansion look like? It must be so amazing! I have so many questions for you. Are there many animals in heaven? What do you do all day? Can you fly? Did you meet my 2 grandpas? What’s the temperature? Can you see us on heaven TV?

Anyway, just wanted to say we miss you terribly here on earth. Can’t find someone like you easily – kind, compassionate, gentle, joyful, faithful, generous and loves Yeshua so much. I’m so blessed to have had you in my cell group, you gave so much and took so little. And you’re always smiling and joyful, never complaining about anything. Thanks for the steamboat you cooked for us J It was really delicious. What do you eat in heaven?

It seems like we’re so busy with life here on earth, that we only truly realize what we’ve lost after it’s gone. Many of us took for granted that you were going to be around just as long as we would be. But you finished your task on earth much faster than us, and you got to go home first.

We’ll always remember you for the wonderful man that you were and we will learn to be more like Jesus, just like you.

See you soon!

Debbie Ng

"There's so much to say about a man who spoke so little" . it all matters when the Word is taken into action. And that's how Connor lived his life. I guess because Connor said so little to many of us, was because he reserved the best for the times they were meant to be most impactful. And in that he was probably also misunderstood and how people ending up hurting him.I was one of those who misunderstood him too, yet, I have no regrets of speaking the truth to him when I had to, though it hurt him. Indeed I am sure he forgave me. I look forward to the day I will meet Connor in heaven where he'll have a mansion/house there, and I'll see him offering me a coconut that he'd just plucked from his tree and then offer it to me saying "Hey Paul, this is Coconut." I will probably laugh and cry at the same time.

-Paul Sebastian-


Really, Connor is one person who lived out the phrase “action speaks louder than words”. He has really done a lot for me in terms of transport. He will always be quick to offer me a lift to church and cell gatherings, never complaining about having to carry my wheelchair in and out of his car. Often times, the silence I faced after getting in his car really scares me. But that wasn’t the problem at all. What mattered most to me was, he was always there to offer support mentally and emotionally, if not physically.

One period of my life that I will never forget about this very “silent” yet caring leader is the fact that he faithfully visited me, and encouraged me just with his presence in the hospital the first 3 months of 2007 when I had to undergo surgery. He was one of my faithful visitors together with Evelyn every alternate days. While they were there, he never did anything more than saying a prayer. But indeed, that short little prayer was all I needed to keep myself encouraged. And really, I was!!

Connor, if there was something I learnt and want to “inherit” from you, it is your quiet and gentle spirit. I want to have an outward heart like you, always putting the needs of others before yourself. Thanks for living your life as an example to me.

Elaine Teo

Connor has been a great example as a leader all the while that I have known him. He is always patient and is also a great listener. Even in his time of need he is very reluctant to trouble his cell members. You can see from his life that his actions truly speaks louder than his words. Though a man of a few words, he has the respect of the cell members and we love him very much. We will miss his words of wisdom in the cell as he guides us with his life experience, testimonies and bible knowledge. There is much I can say about him but if I can summarise it I must say Connor loves God very much which is why we can see that he never complains when serving and is always game for every seminar that the church organises. Herein lies a man that want to please God and know Him deeper in every way possible. God bless his soul.
Affryll Teo

sob touching to hear so much about Connor. Even though Connor is a just "touch and go friend" to me but his testimony really touches me and speaks to me everyday. I'm glad he extended his stay on earth for 3 weeks instead of 3 days as said by the doctors, allowing more time for us to know him, visit him and just to see him, and see him strong in spirit despite his health conditions.He is really a beautiful creation of Christ, giving so much and took so little. I am also very encourage to see him coming to church and serving with a BIG SMILE even though he was going through chemo few months ago. Indeed he lives out the fullness of Christ. I have never had deep conversations and more time with him, but Connor makes me know him and Jesus better by seeing him from afar. His testimony really make me tears much even till today. Tears of joy. Dear Connor, I am glad and grateful to know you, a little but an impactful one. Thank you for giving your life to Jesus. We are blessed. :) See u in heaven.

Melissa Chua

Connor, My friend

I have known Connor for almost four years. We often meet up in our bi-monthly accountability group and in church as well. He is rather quite, calm and collected person and as well as a good listener. With his humility, encouraging, helpful and friendly characters made him my top choice of people I would like to spend with and share my deepest thoughts.

All these years we had great time together getting know each other and sharing our dreams and struggles together. We used to watch movie together, played badminton, fetched our Nepali friends to church, dining, walked in Kiara hills and did many activities together. I enjoyed and blessed by our friendship very much.

I still remember at the end 2007, just a few days before he was scheduled to undergo his first chemotherapy session, he came by my house to help me to paint my house. He painted my grill door. He really put his heart in painting the grill. Even though I asked him to wrap up the work as it almost done to me, but he still continue to touch up and tried to make it in a perfect way. His heart for people has truly shined and impacted me that even in the midst of his personal situation, he still thinks about others.

I will always cherish this brother of mine who has not only put his touch on my white grill door but indeed his very personal touch in my life. And I believe he has truly live a life that his legacy will last forever in the fullness of Christ likeness.

Calvin Ong

It was an abrupt departure that I would have never expected, Connor has left us. Though at this moment, it is truly hard for me to write about him. I believe all of us know what he has done and at some point impacted us in some way. A true friend, which I have never seen losing his temper and endlessly offering himself for those who need help. Even in his fragile condition, he strives to show us that we must not give up our trust in God. Although he left us abruptly, I am sure he has say his last blessing for us all and thanks for our support for him. A great man which he is.That is all i have to say.
Vincent in Cambodia now

Connor has indeed live out his legacy of imitating Christ in His life. He was a faithful spiritual friend and a leader who has never ceased to declare of God’s goodness throughout the seasons of his life, even when he had to go through storms and challenges in his period here on earth. Nevertheless, he always carried his glowing contented smile, with no complaints even when things seemed to be unfair to him. He had this passion in him to reach out to others and he has a big compassionate heart for the lost. His love for the Lord was shown through his actions in reaching out through home-es, missions, daily interactions with people, his workplace, to the streets people, and people of other countries in missions and the glow of joy he projected. He has shown me the meaning of carrying the cross and denied himself for God’s purpose is higher. Because of his love for God, he gave himself more than he took. With a very humble character, he always make people around him feel easy to ask favours from him, with which he freely give, freely bless others. He had a very kind hearted soul and easy-going personality which demanded nothing back.

I believed his spirit of giving in him had clearly shown us who Jesus is because he is filled with the fullness of Christ. Connor had never given up to run his race and he indeed had finished it well for the Lord. His life has impacted mine in a very powerful way. I will always remember him and learn from his humility, his patience, love and care for others. I would be missing him very much.

Connor, we shall meet in heaven one day soon!

In remembrance of him,